美国ZYMO RESEARCH-Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kits

Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kits

The Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kits are gel DNA extraction kits that provide rapid purification of high-quality DNA from TAE/TBE-buffered agarose gels. These gel DNA extraction kits feature Zymo-Spin technology to yield high-quality, purified DNA in just minutes. Additionally, these gel DNA recovery kits have easy-to-follow protocols and were designed to maximize DNA purity and yield. These gel DNA extraction kits can be used for a wide range of DNA fragment sizes, that all offer high-quality purified DNA for downstream applications. These DNA extraction kits are simple and easy to use, perfect for beginners and experienced researchers looking to simplify their workflow. DNA purified using the Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery kits is perfectly suited for use in DNA ligation reactions, sequencing, DNA labeling reactions, PCR, etc.


Catalog #


Binding Capacity

Elution Volume



Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit (capped columns)

5 µg

≥ 6 µl of DNA Elution Buffer



Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit (uncapped columns)

5 µg

≥ 6 µl of DNA Elution Buffer



ZR-96 Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit

5 µg

≥ 15 µl of DNA Elution Buffer

96-Well Plate


Zymoclean Large Fragment DNA Recovery Kit

10 µg

≥ 10 µl of DNA Elution Buffer


Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit

D4001T / D4001 / D4007 / D4002 / D4008



The Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit is a gel DNA extraction kit that provides rapid purification of high quality DNA from TAE/TBE-buffered agarose gels. This gel DNA extraction kit features…

ZR-96 Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit

D4021 / D4022



The ZR-96 Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit is a 96-well gel DNA extraction kit that provides rapid purification of high quality DNA from TAE/TBE-buffered agarose gels. This 96-well gel DNA…

Zymoclean Large Fragment DNA Recovery

D4045 / D4046


The Zymoclean Large Fragment DNA Recovery Kit is a gel DNA extraction kit that provides a streamlined method for the rapid purification and concentration of high-quality large-sized DNA from agarose…