美国MOBIO DNA回收试剂盒UltraClean™ 15 DNA Purification Kit


美国MOBIO DNA回收试剂盒UltraClean™ 15 DNA Purification Kit

美国MOBIO DNA回收试剂盒UltraClean™ 15 DNA Purification Kit 说明书点击下载

提取次数: 货号:
300 次 12100-300


– 提供比硅胶离心柱更加经济的办法回收DNA

– 操作快捷,回反应液DNA只需15分钟,从琼脂胶回收DNA也只要10分钟

– 硅胶吸附微粒操作非常简便

– 灵活操作说明,一次可从凝胶中批量提取1mg DNA


  UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification Kit使用了经济的硅胶吸附微粒从琼脂凝胶或酶反应液中回收DNA。可以根据需要按比例使用硅胶吸附微粒以一次获得更大量DNA。同理,应用于少量DNA回收。获得的DNA可直接用于酶切、链接、标记和PCR等下游实验。

  切取目的DNA凝胶片段,在离液盐作用下不可逆溶解。DNA吸附于UltraBIND硅胶吸附微粒。DNA/硅胶粒结合体经离心分离出来。DNA洗脱重悬于Tris缓冲液中。染色剂溴乙锭、SYBR Green、 xylene cyanol等已经被完全去除。DNA可直接进入下游实验。

  UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification Kit是目前回收琼脂胶DNA目的片段更经济的试剂盒之一。



美国MOBIO DNA回收试剂盒UltraClean™ 15 DNA Purification Kit

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使用UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification Kit
回收1kb ladder(条带1)展示如图
方法 硅胶吸附微粒
回收DNA大小范围 60 bp – 50 kb
吸附能力 1 µg DNA 每 1 µl 硅胶珠浆
通量 1 – 24 个样
操作时间 10 – 15 分钟


60 bp
100 bp
500 bp
7.5 kb
23.5 kb
50 kb



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I do not really need anything but wanted to gush about the UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification that I am using for my gel extractions…I am in love! Kit is inexpensive (NOT THE ISSUE) and has worked reliably for many moons now (THE ISSUE). Other products work for a while, then yields fall off…your ingredients are stable, so far, and I am a happy camper.

Pat Arbour Reily, LSU

UltraClean: Ultra, clean!
This kit gives very clean DNA and can be used for cloning, sequencing and much more. Although it takes a little bit longer time than the spin column, once I got used to it, I felt it was much better than spin columns. The yield is high too. The most important thing is that it is so inexpensive that you can save a lot of money from ordering Qiagen kits. It is a great kit.


The UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification Kit is an Ultra Smart Buy
This kit is very efficient in terms of technique as well as cost. If you have used spin column-style kits, you may find that this method requires some extra technique, but only at first. After two or three preps, you will find that it is actually quite rapid and simple. The cost is significantly less than that of most spin column kits. My only gripe is that care must be taken to prevent the silica from drying out in storage – but even if it does it can still be used. I am very pleased with the results I have obtained with the UltraClean® 15 DNA Purification Kit. It is a great kit even if it were more expensive.


组分 12100-300
1 x 1.8 ml
1 x 125 ml
1 x 250 ml
1 x 15 ml