美国MOBIO 土壤DNA大量提取试剂盒(UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit)



UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit


For isolating DNA from up to 10 grams of soil

Description Catalog # Price
10 preps 12900-10 N/A

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– Purifies DNA from 5 to 10 grams of soil in 50 minutes

– Yields PCR ready DNA up to 50 kb plus

– Includes a proprietary Inhibitor Removal Solution to eliminate humic acid inhibitors of PCR

– Efficiently lyses spores and fungi and fecal samples – Ideal for samples with low microbial load

– All tubes and reagents required are included in kit and ready to use


The UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit provides researchers the ability to process larger volumes of soil, critical when microbial load is low. This reliable kit is based on a bead beating technology that offers a proprietary Inhibitor Removal Solution to remove PCR inhibitors including humic acid.The UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit has become the method of choice among researchers around the world studying microbial organisms in soil. This kit will isolate cellular, PCR quality DNA from soil and ensures removal of humic acid inhibitors. Our 50 ml Vortex Adapter for cell lysis and a centrifuge capable of spinning 50 ml tubes are required for maximum performance.

Soil samples are added to a bead beating tube containing beads, lysis solution, bead solution and Inhibitor Removal Solution. The principal is to lyse the microorganisms in the soil by a combination of heat, detergent, and mechanical force against specialized beads. The cellular components are lysed by mechanical action on a vortex. From the lysed cells, the released DNA is bound to a silica spin filter. The filter is washed, and the DNA is recovered in certified DNA-free Tris buffer.

This is our original mega soil DNA kit – for more challenging 10 g soil samples we recommend the PowerMax® Soil DNA Isolation Kit.

Research and Development

Purification of DNA from various soils using
the UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit

美国MOBIO 土壤DNA大量提取试剂盒(UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit)

  M 1 2 3 4  

        Lane 1: Forest soil
        Lane 2: Bog soil
        Lane 3: Pristine sand
        Lane 4: Farm soil


PCR amplification of DNA extracted with this soil kit using universal eubacterial primers
美国MOBIO 土壤DNA大量提取试剂盒(UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

        Lane 1: Marker
        Lane 2: Negative control
        Lanes 3-8: Six different soil types


Learn more about the applications of the UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit in this poster presented at the American Society for Microbiology Meeting.

Testing the UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit on a Diverse Range of Soils by PCR Amplification of 16S rDNA. Download Here (pdf 872KB)

美国MOBIO 土壤DNA大量提取试剂盒(UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit)
Click over image to enlarge






Format Silica Spin Filter Tubes
Method Bead Beating
Binding Capacity Up to 1 mg per filter
Sample Size Up to 20 grams of soil
Throughput 1 – 8 samples
Time 50 minutes
Equipment Required Vortex and Vortex Adapters


Positive PCR Results Obtained
with these Soil Types
  • Clay
  • Fecal/Intestinal Tract
  • Fungal mat
  • Forest
  • Loam
  • Sand
  • Potting Soil
  • Petroleum Saturated

Storage Conditions

Store at room temperature for up to 2 years.


  • Nunoura, T. and Takai, K. Comparison of Microbial Communities Associated with Phase-separation-induced Hydrothermal Fluids at the Yonaguni Knoll IV Hydrothermal Field, the Southern Okinawa Trough. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 67(3): 351-370 (2009).
  • Nunoura, T., Inagaki, F., Delwiche, M.E., Colwell, F.S., and Takai, K. Subseafloor Microbial Communities in Methane Hydrate-bearing Sediment at Two Distinct Locations (ODP Leg204) in the Cascadia Margin. Microbes and Environment. 23(4): 317-328 (2008).
  • Fell, J.W., Scorzetti, G., Connell, L., and Craig, S. Biodiversity of Micro-eukaryotes in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils with <5% Soil Moisture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38(10): 3107-3119 (2006).

Customer Comments

UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit

I consulted a soil microbiologist for advice on a protocol for rapid DNA extraction from soil samples. He recommended the MO BIO UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit. My research has involved extensive soil sampling. The soil is analyzed for the presence of Streptomyces scabies, causal agent of potato scab, which is detectable by PCR. I have used the kit to process samples and have been extremely pleased with the results of not only getting consistent amounts of DNA, but also DNA that is high quality for PCR. I will continue using this kit because it is consistent and extremely quick. No other kit I have used is even half as fast.

Elise C. Poole
Michigan State University
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology

Read More Customer Comments
on the UltraClean® Mega Soil DNA Isolation Kit

Kit Components

Component 12900-10
Mega Bead Tubes
Bead Solution
Solution S1
IRS Solution
Solution S2
Solution S3
Solution S4
Solution S5
Spin Filters In Tubes
Collection Tubes
1 x 165 ml
1 x 14 ml
1 x 44 ml
1 x 22 ml
1 x 330 ml
2 x 30 ml
1 x 88 ml